Where to Sign Up for PDF Accessibility Training

#PDFAccessibility #PDFAccessibilityTraining
Yotam Flohr

Our methodology

Our unique research methodology for digital accessibility combines user testing, feature analysis, and hands-on experience. We review various remediation software and platforms to provide top recommendations.

Written and researched for humans by humans

Yotam Flohr
Ritvik Shrivastava
Expertly reviewed by
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Accessibility doesn’t just apply to the web, documents are included in this mix too. And since most of us access PDFs regularly, it’s essential to know how to make these documents accessible. This is where PDF accessibility training comes in. 

By learning how to make PDFs accessible, you are creating a more inclusive online environment for both employees and customers. 

What is PDF Accessibility Training?

PDF accessibility training focuses solely on how to create documents that anyone can access, including those with visual and motor impairments. This includes existing documents as well as new PDFs.

What PDF Accessibility Training Teaches

Following PDF accessibility training, you will be able to tag new PDFs or edit existing PDFs in Microsoft Word or InDesign to make them fully accessible. This means they can now be accessed with a range of assistive technologies.

Some of the topics that are covered in this type of training include:

  • Overview of web accessibility standards and how they apply to PDFs
  • How to approach PDF accessibility
  • PDF document structure standards
  • PDF reading orders
  • How to write alternative text
  • How to optimize infographics and other images
  • Correctly inserting tables
  • Navigation standards and linking techniques
  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Dealing with scanned documents
  • Common issues with browser plugins
  • Testing with accessibility checkers and multiple assistive technologies

PDF accessibility training is best suited to a website studio, publishers, graphic designers, web editors, and anyone involved in the creation of PDFs within an organization. Training generally takes about a day to complete. 

Best PDF Accessibility Training Providers

If you’re ready to sign up for a PDF accessibility course, here are some of the training providers and resources we recommend:


adobe PDF accessibility

The Adobe PDF accessibility guide makes it that much easier to create accessible documents for internal and external use. Predefined actions automate many of the tasks required to make a document accessible. Adobe will also provide you with instructions for any areas that require manual fixes. Once you start using this guide, you will quickly learn what’s required for a PDF to meet WCAG requirements.

Section 508 Guide

section 508 PDF accessibility

Section 508 forms part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which also requires digital content to be accessible to users with disabilities. This series of videos will take you through everything you need to know to understand how to make PDF documents accessible. You can work through this guide in less than 1 hour.

Web aim

webaim PDF accessibility

Web aim is the first paid course on this list but it’s well worth it since you receive a certificate of completion, showing you are verified to create accessible documents. The course is made up of 5 different modules, each of which includes detailed chapters on all aspects of PDF accessibility. 

Accessible Digital Documents

accessible digital documents

This online course from Accessible Digital Documents has received some great reviews to date and covers more than just the essentials of PDF accessibility. This is thanks to over 13 years of experience in document accessibility.

Deque University

deque university digital accessibilty courses

This 45-minute online course from Deque University walks you through the step-by-step process of making PDFs accessible. Learning about the Deque system for ADA compliance can even count towards the renewal of an IAAP certification.

Prerequisites for PDF Accessibility Training

The good news is there are no specific prerequisites for this training – you simply need to want to gain a deeper understanding of the current landscape of ADA and how it applies to PDF documents. 

Wrapping Up

Overall, this training is a game-changer. Not only are you doing your part to create a more inclusive society, but you are also avoiding costly demand letters and lawsuits.

Choosing any of the resources or courses on this list will give you everything you need to produce and publish PDFs that are accessible to all, including those living with disabilities. 

Find out whether your website is accessible or not by conducting a test on Accessibility Checker

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How we reviewed this article
  1. Current version
  2. Modified November 23, 2023

    What we changed

    PDF accessibility solutions were updated

  3. Modified January 12, 2023

    What we changed

    Article was reviewed by an expert

  4. First Draft of the Article April 20, 2022
I have been helping global businesses bring their brands to life online for over 14 years now and I still love it! I am particularly passionate about ensuring online content is accessible to everyone. I’ve spent years learning as much as possible about web accessibility, ensuring I can educate others on its importance no matter what sector they are in.
Yotam Flohr
Yotam Flohr is a prominent digital accessibility expert with over five years of experience in the field. Before specializing in accessibility, Yotam worked on various online projects and collaborated with major internet companies like Wix. His transition to digital accessibility was a natural progression, driven by his commitment to creating inclusive web experiences.


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